MS Cara-Inox

2,249.00 kr

Stål: Kolstål
Typ: Halvmjukt (135 kg/sq)
Storlekar: 72 mm – 75 mm
Vikter: 680 g – 720 g

Good quality for point and shoot!

Artikelnr: MSCZ Kategori:


”They propose satiny finition, with soft touch. Three-ball MS Car Inox is recognize fort her good quality as point as shoot. Approval indication on the ball is MS CZ.”

Varje set innehåller 3 klot



Ytterligare information

Vikt 2500 g

72 mm, 73 mm, 74 mm, 75 mm


680 g, 685 g, 690 g, 695 g, 700 g, 705 g, 710 g, 715 g, 720 g